REC Management & Compliance

What is an Insurance Carrier Recommendation?

Insurance carrier recommendations are the result of a loss control or risk control inspection that generally takes place when a new insurance policy is written. It may also be a condition of a policy that this type of inspection is completed every so often to ensure that the policy holder remains in compliance. In most cases, a risk manager will visit a business and review the property to ensure there are no safety hazards or other conditions that might result in an insurance claim.

If, after an inspection is completed, an insurance carrier determines there to be improper conditions that increase risk at a business, then recommendations are provided to remediate these hazards.

What Determines a Recommendation?

Recommendations are part of a bigger picture many refer to as loss control. Along with other organizations geared toward the safety of working Americans, inspectors are looking for violations related to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as well as local building and fire codes.

When properly identified and addressed, these recommendations can reduce the risk to both a policy holder and carrier.

Process-Quality and Rec Management

In an ideal world, insurance recommendations are provided to businesses who then fix these issues and reduce the risk of high-cost claims.

Unfortunately, many times recommendations get lost throughout the day-to-day tasks of a company, leaving businesses vulnerable to claims.

Process-Quality will work with underwriters to follow up with businesses on the recommendations provided to ensure they are addressed in a timely manner.